Collaborative working with third party is the need of the hour when it comes to digitization and optimizing the resource cost. We are specialized in Collaborative working with clients, suppliers, sub-contractors, site construction team etc. Building applications in this area including smart tagging is our specialization. The implementation has much bigger challenges for such applications than just developing. Key aspects that need to be looked into include having all construction contractors, suppliers, site materials team, engineering and procurement on an integrated solution platform and seamless flow of information.
Suppliers’ data capture: The supplier’s data capture into the system constitutes as a major part of material management. A set of guidelines are mandatory in order to effectively operate and bring in such data. This is one of the weakest areas in many organizations. Our employees are specialized in this area i.e., numbering those and ensuring each and every item is being captured through the system. Data grows exponentially in EPC projects. Site teams and clients are highly benefited from this growth. For instance, loosing materials at site have minimized drastically and more importantly, this approach ensures timely completion of projects and hence, huge cost saving.